
Thursday, March 29, 2018

My Basic Facts Test

I am testing how quickly I can remember my Basic Facts.

I need to remember my Basic Facts because they are
the knowledge I need to help me with strategies to solve
Maths problems.

Today on Friday my result was 35/60
and on Monday my result was 28/60

My result today was much more higher because I learned more maths and I learned some of my timetable and I think I am getting better at them.

My typing Test

I am practising my typing so I can be quicker and more accurate.

This will help me finish my work faster.

Today on Friday my WPM result was 47
and on Monday my WPM result was 41

My result was a bit low and I need to get to 50 but it took a long time for me to get to 40 so I think that it will be even more long to get to 50.

My silent reading today

This is only going to be one blog about this book because I got another Diary of a wimpy kid book YAY please sit back relax and enjoy.

I am reading Charlie and the chocolate factory.
There is a little boy name Charlie bucket and he is a very nice little boy and he has four grand parents the parents of his mum and the parent of his dad. They lived in a small wooden house at a the back of a nice town and their was a very big cool factory and the owner was Mr Willy Wonker  and he made like two thousand chocolate bars and he makes the best chocolate then every factory and he sell some to every country  and one of Charlies grandparents

Friday, March 23, 2018

My Basic Facts Test

I am testing how quickly I can remember my Basic Facts.

I need to remember my Basic Facts because they are the
knowledge I need to help me with strategies to solve Maths

On Friday my result was 24/60
and on Monday my result was 28/60

On Monday my score was more higher and I was more focused and on Monday I practised my maths and I knew it off by heart     

My typing Test/New score!!!

am practising my typing so I can be quicker and more accurate.
This will help me finish my work faster.

On Monday my result was WPM result  43 
and on Friday my WPM result was 47 

On Friday I got a new score by one word my old score was 46 but then I got very focused I practise and I am getting to know the keys of by heart.   

Tuesday, March 20, 2018

My silent reading today/ New book!!

Today I read from pg  0- pg 7 

I have a new book and that book is 
The Secret Sevens book 1

Genre: Adventure 

Author: Enid Blyton 

This is what I read today
There is a boy named Peter and he  wanted  to write a message  to Pam, Collin , Jack, George and they wanted to make like a little clan and then that's how they came up with the Secret Sevens. Then when they were done Janet took Scammer the dog for a walk in the park and then Scammer saw a frozen pond because it is the  season of winter but Janet's mum allows her to go outside but she had to put some warm cloths on Scammer. Then Scammer jumped on the pond and he could hardly stand up because it was slippery. Then they came back home and Peter said to Janet to go and ask mum if they could have some lemonade and some biscuits so that they can have a meeting.


Thursday, March 15, 2018

My silent reading today.

Today is going to be the last series of diary of a wimpy kid dog days but I will find some more books like that and blog about it.

I read from 121-217

This is what I read today 
So summer is finally  over then Greg said that him and his dad don't have the best father and son thing but he is alright with that then it just shows some pictures from the best summer and then the End 


Wednesday, March 14, 2018

My silent reading today

Diary of a wimpy kid
dog days.

I read from 199-212

This is what I read today.
Greg's dad took their dog Sweetie to his grandmas house because his grandma likes Sweetie. The Greg found out that there was a game tournament at gaming hut and he asked Rowley is he wanted to come with him if he wanted to come and Rowley was worried on the phone because his parents banned him from seeing Greg for the whole summer because you know Rowley said that Greg burned him at  there cabin. Then they both woke up at 3:00 in the morning and went to the game store at put a tent in front of it. They were looking out so that know one can cut in front of them. The Greg had an idea to take shifts looking and Greg went first because that he is  a kind person. When it was Rowley's turn after 5 seconds he went back to sleep then Greg had to stay all night up until 9:00 am in the morning. He had to eat both of his energy  bars  to keep him awake and he got chocolate all over his hands and then he had a prank he pretended that his hand was a spider and then Rowley got a hammer and smashed his tum YOWWW said Greg then behind him can  the game store man then they both vs ed  each other because they were the only people 


Friday, March 9, 2018

My typing Test

I am practising my typing so I can be
quicker and more accurate.
This will help me finish
my work faster.

On Monday my result WPM was 44 
and on Friday my result WPM was 45

on Friday my result was was higher because I practise a lot  when I am writing and on

My Basic Facts Test

I am testing how quickly I can remember my Basic Facts.

I need to remember my Basic Facts because they are the
\knowledge I need to help me with strategies to solve
Maths problems.

On Monday my result was 29/60
and on Friday my result was 25/60 

On Monday my result was higher because my class was more quit and today on Friday my class was loud. I need to work on my division and also my grouping within 100
I need to practise so my maths can get better.

Wednesday, March 7, 2018

My silent reading today

Today I read from page 156-177

Diary of the wimpy kid 
dog days.

Today I read about the wimpy kid going to the store and he sees the Jefferson family  the Jefferson family is his friends family and then said that they were grabbing snacks for their beach trip tomorrow. They asked if the wimpy kid wanted to come and the wimpy kids mum said yes why not. When they got there they went to their cabin  and their was no TV and nothing else but a book self. The wimpy kid asked what are we going to do and Mrs Jefferson said we could read a book. Mrs Jefferson came back with a box full of books then the Jefferson's read all the way to dinner time. Mrs Jefferson made brownies but with veges in it.

TO BE CONTINUED.........     

Monday, March 5, 2018

My silent reading today

I read from page 141-156

This is what I read today.
Today the boy he goes to the pool with his mum and little brother and then he sees Heather hills and then he follows her on ever shift she does. Then he told his mum to take a photo of him next to Heater but the camera was back wards then she got a call then after the call Heater was all ready gone to her next shift. He would always tell people to stop running and to do the right thing so that heater does not have to talk.